1. BF Destroyer: Is Melissa Benoist Using Chris Wood As Her Rebound?

Melissa Benoist had barely filed for divorce from Glee actor Blake Jenner when the press caught her getting cuddly with Chris Wood. Apparently, the actors met on the set of Supergirl, where Melissa plays the main character and Chris plays her alien boyfriend Mon-el. We can’t help but think that Melissa was awfully quick to latch onto the nearest guy available after her divorce. Is this true love or is this wild post-divorce flailing? From the moon-eyed look on Chris’s face, the feelings are genuine on his part, but we think that a breakup is not far off the horizon once Melissa decides she doesn’t need a rebound anymore. We wouldn’t go on the rebound with a coworker – it’s going to be awkward when they still have to shoot scenes together after Melissa breaks his heart.