10 Famous Celebrities who have Done IVF

On: January 17, 2020
In: Gossip
By: Abhishek Dey

3. Michelle Obama

In one of the most personal and resonant parts of her book, Becoming, Michelle Obama wrote openly about the fertility challenges she and Barack faced when they decided to get pregnant. After a devastating miscarriage, she said:

Mrs Obama, a former lawyer and hospital administrator, told ABC that after her miscarriage, “I felt like I failed because I didn’t know how common miscarriages were because we don’t talk about them. “We sit in our own pain, thinking that somehow we’re broken,” she said, adding that “it’s important to talk to young mothers about the fact that miscarriages happen”. She said that when she was around 34 years old, she realized that “the biological clock is real” and that “egg production is limited”, which made her decide to seek in-vitro fertilisation. “I think it’s the worst thing that we do to each other as women, not share the truth about our bodies and how they work,” Mrs Obama told ABC’s Robin Roberts on Good Morning America.

Over twenty years ago, the couple turned to IVF and are now the proud daughters of Sasha and Malia. You can learn more about Michelle Obama’s IVF story in her book Becoming.

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