2. Dish Network Scholarship (Deadline : Midnight on September 16, 2020)
Scholarship : $2,000
Rules & Eligibility
- Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident of the United States.
- Employees of DishPromotions.com, its parents, partners, affiliates & subsidiaries, participating advertising & promotion agencies, & prize suppliers are not eligible
- Must be a current student & have a cumulative high school grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4-point scale & must have taken either the ACT or SAT test.
- Must be actively enrolled full-time as a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student in Fall 2020 & for the entire academic year without interruption, barring illness, emergency, or military service
- The amount is used towards funding the tuition & fees, books, board & on-campus room, & other expenses while getting a graduate or undergraduate degree.
Application Steps
- Must submit an essay of 600 to 1000 words based on the topic prompted.
- Must be enrolled in an accredited university or college for an undergraduate or graduate degree program as a full-time student.
- Must mention the sources of writing the essay as well.
1. Courageous Persuaders Video Scholarship Competition (Deadline : Midnight on February 09, 2020)
Scholarship : $3,000
Rules & Eligibility
- Must be below the age of 19
- Prior recipients of the scholarship program are not eligible for re-entering the competition.
- Must be U.S. or Canadian citizen.
- Must be studying in high school in the U.S. or Canada.
- A duly filled Consent Form is required for each individual involved with creating or producing the commercial, including any music & sound effects
Application Steps
- The commercial video must be an original work of 30 seconds long. Mention names of all contributors in the credits.
- The video may be uploaded or sent in the form of a DVD to the financial aid office of Courageous Persuaders, Inc.
There are thousands of college scholarships available to undergraduate & graduate students throughout the country, & landing the right scholarship could be the difference between completing your graduation without any loans & paying off the education loans for years & years.