10 Famous Celebrities Battling Insomnia Disorder in 2020

On: January 7, 2020
In: Health
By: Abhishek Dey

8. Christina Applegate

The Bad Moms actress tells SELF that she suffered from chronic insomnia for nearly 20 years, struggling to fall asleep at night, then waking up once she did. “I could sleep a couple hours and then be up for four hours and then fall asleep again right before my alarm goes off,” she says. “Some of the nights could be real rough.” But a year ago she realized that most of her problems with sleep actually started hours before she went to bed. And most of them could be traced to her phone.

Last year, she partnered with the Why So Awake? sleep awareness program and a sleep doctor taught Applegate about “sleep hygiene”, which is essentially what a person does in the hours before they go to bed. She realized her nightly rituals could be sabotaging her shut-eye. “I didn’t even realize that the contributing factors to my insomnia were simple things that I could start to change,” she says. She adopted new sleep habits ASAP, and, to her surprise, changing her presleep habits has changed her life. Fortunately, she has started to implement a number of sleep hygiene techniques to improve her sleep, including meditation and taking the time to unwind before bed.

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